Wednesday 9 December 2015

Advent Day Nine 2015

Advent Day Nine
December 09 2015
Janet Bunce

The Christmas Refugee

A warming mug of cocoa

A boy stands shivering alone.
            Clothes wet and torn.
            His eyes wide open and gaunt.
            Fearful of all he has seen.
            His hand reaches into the pocket of his shabby coat pulling out a crumpled note.
            The writing is faint and almost illegible.
            He knows each word by heart having read it many times but he takes comfort from them.
            'Be brave my son. There is kindness everywhere. Sometimes we cannot see it or it becomes hidden by politics and hatred'
            He folds the paper, carefully putting it in his pocket and continues onwards. Christmas he is told will bring hope and happiness.

About the Author

Janet Lives in Essex and writes occasionally having only so far managed 100 worders! She is however very pleased to have had stories published both in Best of CaféLit 3 and Best of CaféLit 4. She is looking forward to making 2016 the year of the longer story!

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