Monday 14 December 2015

Advent Day Eleven 2015

Advent Day Eleven
December 11 2015
Janet Bunce

Tinsel and Tears (Alias "Black Thursday")
A large glass of anything alcoholic!

6 am. Scream at alarm. Shower in record time.
6.45am. Wake kids. Count there is only three. Try to remember what’s special about today.
7.15am. Feed every mouth that is open including the cat’s.
7.35am. Try to remember significance of today. Put everyone including cat into car.
7.40am. Put cat on front lawn – not his day for worming!
7.45am. Look at faces on back seat and shout, “Be quiet!” Try to remember....
7.50am. Scream for second time today. Look at Josie minus fairy wings which should have been made last night.
7.55am. Meditate to the mantra ‘I am not a bad mum. It’s only the Christmas play!’


About the Author
Janet Lives in Essex and writes occasionally having only so far managed 100 worders! She is however very pleased to have had stories published both in Best of CaféLit 3 and Best of CaféLit 4. She is looking forward to making 2016 the year of the longer story!

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