Thursday 25 July 2013

100 Worder: Window Shopping

100 Worder

Roger Noons

Window Shopping

A mug of milky coffee

Her facial expression was one of radiance, as she proudly pushed the buggy along the pavement in the High Street. She paused, gazed in through the window of the Early Learning Centre, enthralled as much by the decorations, as she was by the goods displayed. Smoothing her skirt and pulling around her the worn blue duffle coat, she continued her journey. Regulars smiled as they passed; strangers, after peering into the pram, frowned and shook their heads.

    Later, in her bed-sit, lit merely by two advent candles, Alison stared at the television and daydreamed that one day …

About the Author

Having spent the best part of thirty-five years writing reports on such subjects as ‘Provision of Caravan Sites for Travellers’ and ’Aspects of Pest Control in the Urban Environment’, Roger Noons began even more creative writing in 2006, when he completed a screenplay for a friend who is an amateur film maker. After the film was made, he wrote further scripts and having become addicted, began to pen short stories and poems. He occasionally produces memoirs and other non-fiction. He has begun to perform his poems, and has just published ’An A to Z by RLN’, an anthology of 26 short stories. He intends by the end of the year to have followed that up with a novella.
He is a member of two Writers Groups and tries his hardest to write something every day. As well as CaféLit, he has had credits in West Midlands newspapers, The Daily Telegraph, Paragraph Planet, Raw Edge and a number of Anthologies.

Roger is a regular contributor to the CaféLit site and a couple of his stories have been selected for the Best of CaféLit 2012.

If you want to send us a story in exactly 100 words check out the 100-Word Challenge here: LINK

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