Monday 7 February 2022

The Lonely Room


by Tricia Schommer

hot chocolate 


There was a knock on the door. Cindy stood frozen; she could feel her heart start to race.  She panicked and looked around the room for a place to hide or a place to escape.

Then another knock.

“Cindy, it’s me,” John said.

“John!” said Cindy. Cindy placed her eye to the peep hole standing on the tips of her toes. She opened the door and let John in. He had a strange look on his face.

“What is it?” Cindy said.

John put his hand on her arm and guided her out to the patio.

Cindy stopped. “No, I can’t go outside. What if someone’s watching.”

“Cindy, no one’s watching, you’re safe. Come sit with me and I’ll explain.”

Cindy followed John out onto the patio and sat across from him.

“Cindy, the trial has been canceled. You won’t have to take the stand.”

“What? After everything, the charges are being dropped.”

“Cindy, calm down, listen to me.”

“I’ve been held up in this room for weeks, talking myself into being able to take the stand and longing for someone’s company, anyone’s company, and all for what, for nothing?”

John placed his hand on Cindy’s hand. “Calm down, the charges weren’t dropped.”

John looked into Cindy’s eyes. She was pale and there were dark circles under her eyes. Her eye shadow was wearing off from the day before. She could barely keep her eyes open. The crow’s feet in the corners of her eyes had begun to dissipate. The dynamic wrinkles on her face didn’t hide the emotional stress she’d experienced. She held a photo in her hand. He recognized the photo but didn’t know who the young man in military uniform was.


“Sorry. The defendant was…he was found dead in his apartment this morning. The police are calling it a homicide.”

“Oh my God! I think I’m going to be sick.” Cindy leaned forward placing her head in her hands. “Sorry, I’m not sure why I’m crying. That bastard deserved what he got. Do they know who…”

“They’ve arrested the girl’s father.”

She wept, and said, “Thank you, John. Thank you for keeping me alive. My son comes home tomorrow.”

About the author

Tricia Schommer is a student at Full Sail University, currently working toward her Bachelor’s in the Creative Writing Program while continuing to work in the mental health field. Tricia has a vision of where she wants to be and the motivation and drive to bring her success front and center.



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